“Driving Tour and Map of the Battle of Nashville”
One of our most popular aids to seeing and experiencing the battlefield is now available on-line in PDF format:
1864 Map and Description of Battle
Driving Tour Sites and Photos
To receive a free copy of the Driving Tour and Map, send an email to us using the form on the CONTACT US tab above.
BONPS Most Popular Book Summarizing the Battle of Nashville in Words and Pictures
“Guide to Civil War Nashville”
“This guide is a MUST HAVE for anyone wanting to learn about the Battle of Nashville and wanting to tour the battlefield. I highly recommend it.” –Edwin C. Bearss, Historian Emeritus of the National Park Service and the nation’s preeminent Civil War tour guide.

“Guide to Civil War Nashville” is a 76-page softbound book that takes you, armchair-bound or in your vehicle, on a 50-mile-long tour of 25 historic sites in Tennessee’s capital city associated with the 1862-65 Union occupation and the 1864 Battle of Nashville, regarded by some as the decisive battle of the Civil War.The book’s 76 pages feature 63 modern-day photographs, 31 Civil War-era photographs, seven illustrations, 16 travel maps and seven battle maps. All proceeds benefit the Battle of Nashville Preservation Society, whose mission is the preservation of Civil War battlefield sites! The sites on the tour include the State Capitol and Museum, four historic antebellum mansions, four antebellum churches, three cemeteries (each with touring map), and 12 battle sites.

A detailed map and driving directions with GPS coordinates guides you to all the sites, which are each pictured and described. Included are the locations and text of all Battle of Nashville historical markers. The ten-page section on the Battle of Nashville (Dec. 2-16, 1864) features four full-page battle maps with unprecedented detail: Granbury’s Lunette, the Fall of the Redoubts, Peach Orchard Hill, and Shy’s Hill, designed by the author and BONPS Historian Ross Massey. There is also a six-page Orders of Battle for Thomas and Hood’s armies. And a page devoted to the 19 receipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. A detailed map with accompanying descriptions shows you what downtown Nashville looked like in 1864. “Guide to Civil War Nashville” also includes a Civil War timeline, military operations map of Middle Tennessee, features on U.S. forts in nearby Franklin and Murfreesboro, a guide to other Civil War tourism sites in Middle Tennessee, and a bibliography.
Now available at many local bookstores and in gift shops at historic Belmont Mansion, Travellers Rest, Belle Meade Plantation, and at The Carter House and Carnton Plantation in Franklin.
Great Reviews for Civil War Nashville! As owner of HistoryAmerica Tours I have read literally hundreds of tour guides and this is one of the best I’ve ever seen! — Pete Brown Read all the reviews

Take A Look Inside! Downloadable Sample Pages in PDF (compressed images are low quality due to small file size): Table of Contents (84KB) Introduction Page (88 KB)
“Buy BONPS bullets”
BONPS wants you to own a piece of history – a bullet actually fired during the Battle of Nashville. Most are the legendary .58 caliber Minie balls so commonly utilized during the war, showing the scars of glancing blows, the telltale nose ring of the ramrod, or the patina of years spent under Nashville soil after their last journey through the gun barrel. To own one is to own that bullet’s moment in Civil War history. For BONPS, each dollar goes toward the purchase of the Nashville battlefield over which each of these bullets was fired – marking one of the last epic battles of the War. Price: $5.00 Each
“The Battle For Nashville” – DVD
The Only DVD Focusing Exclusively on the Battle of Nashville
In photos, interviews, music and interpretation, this excellent documentary by David Currey tells the story of the Battle of Nashville in a succinct but entertaining and informative one hour DVD. Price: $20.00
“The Dance of Death”- DVD

Price: $23.00
“Nashville: The Dance of Death” is the perfect companion DVD to our exclusive and descriptive DVD, “The Battle For Nashville” by historian David Currey. In “Dance of Death,” noted Civil War expert and Battle of Nashville historian Thomas Y. Cartwright uses his words and camera to take the viewer on a comprehensive tour of the landmark places of the Battle. The depth of Mr. Cartwright’s lifetime of researching, exploring, and investigating this important and pivotal battle of the Civil War is revealed, and comes alive, in this visual journey to the locations which define those fateful two days in December, 1864. It brings the battlefield right to your computer screen with details which only a true expert of the engagement can describe. Each DVD comes with a free BONPS “Driving Tour and Map of the Battle of Nashville.”
Art print: “The Attack on Shy’s Hill”

Lt. Col. Howard Massey, a native of Columbia, Tennessee, was a highly-decorated career Army officer and later Major General for the Tennessee State Guard. Among his many military decorations was the Soldier’s Medal, the Army’s highest decoration for heroism not under direct fire, for rescuing a downed pilot in Vietnam. In civilian life, he became highly regarded as an artist, focusing his talents primarily on Tennessee wildlife and the Civil War. Col. Massey died in 2009 but leaves behind his art prints, one of which — Attack at Shy’s Hill — BONPS is proud to make available as depiction of the final confrontation of the Battle of Nashville on December 16, 1864.
“Nashville City Cemetery” – 2nd edition

Price: $15.00
The Nashville City Cemetery is the oldest burial ground in Nashville. Established in 1822, it is the last home of early Nashvillians who founded and developed Nashville as a community and started it on the path to becoming a major city. Battle of Nashville historian Stanley Horn called it “one of the most important historic shrines in the Nashville Community.” This new volume, published as a Second Edition in 2010, is a complete guide to understanding the history, importance and physical landmarks of the Cemetery. The writing and photography were produced by a panel of 14 respected experts in this field, including BONPS Board member John Allyn. Among the stories emanating from this book are those which reveal the Civil War connection of many of those buried in its grounds, including those who played historic roles in the Battle of Nashville.
“The Pillaged Grave of a Civil War Hero: Colonel William M. Shy”

This 24-page booklet by John Dowd, with numerous black-and-white photos, tells the story of Col. William M. Shy (after whom Shy’s Hill is named) and the bizarre episode in which his grave was vandalized. Price: $5.00
Col. William M. Shy of the 20th Tennessee Infantry was among the Confederate defenders of Compton’s Hill on the second day of the Battle of Nashville, December 16, 1864. Late in the day, the hill was overrun by the huge Union force attacking from three directions, resulting in massive casualties and triggering a rout by the survivors which ended the Battle of Nashville. Col. Shy was found dead from a close-range head shot on the top of the hill, and his reputation, already earned at the age of 26, transformed him into such an iconic symbol of the battle that the hill later became known as “Shy’s Hill.” The hill summit was preserved by, and is owned and maintained by, BONPS. This 24-page booklet by John Dowd, with numerous photographs, tells of a bizarre episode in 1977 in which Col. Shy’s grave and casket were vandalized, and describes the forensic examination and research that followed as specialists studied the body and identified it as that of the famous Confederate officer.
“Eyewitnesses at the Battle of Nashville”

By David R. Logsdon. Fifth in a Series Price: $19.95
This book is as close as you can get to talking to the soldiers and citizens who experienced the Battle of Nashville. Using a compilation from diaries, letters, and memoirs, author David R. Logsdon gives us a first-person glimpse into the minds and hearts of both soldiers and civilians who were in Nashville during the two historic weeks between Franklin and Nashville. In their own words, those who were here in December, 1864, describe how they coped with the freezing weather, their worries and speculations about the coming battle, and what they did while waiting for the first shots to be fired. And then their words take you to the sounds and smells of the battlefield to describe, in eye-opening descriptions, the you-were-there details of one of the most pivotal battles of the Civil War.
“Tennessee Historical Markers”

Price: $10.00
Contained in the 404 pages of this unique book are the locations of, and inscriptions on, some 1,500 Tennessee historical markers, including those commemorating and explaining the events and places of the Battle of Nashville. Since many historical markers of necessity are located in busy traffic areas, the ability to read the markers without leaving the car is invaluable. This 8th Edition of the Tennessee Historical Markers was published by the Tennessee Historical Commission in 1996.
“Nashville Battlefield Guide” SOLD OUT

Price: $19.95
Author Ross Massey began researching the Battle of Nashville at the time of the battle’s Centennial in 1964, and has been studying, researching and discovering facts about the battle and battlefield ever since. His research has led to the discovery of a number of key battlefield landmarks, such as Granbury’s Lunette and other important earthworks. In the early 90’s, he became one of the founders of The Battle of Nashville Preservation Society. Now he brings all of this knowledge together in a 163-page book which explains in detail the Tennessee Historical Commission’s historical markers which depict the area of the battlefield. The brief inscriptions of the markers come to life in this book as the author shares his perspective and depth of knowledge of the events which occurred before, during and after the Battle of Nashville.
“Major General James Scott Negley”

Ft. Negley in Nashville is named after Maj. Gen. James S. Negley of Pennsylvania. Gen. Negley was in charge of the Union’s ring of defensive fortresses in Nashville in 1862. In 1863, however, following controversial events that occurred with his division during the Battle of Chickamauga, he was relieved of his command. He was later acquitted of related charges. This book by Stewart Cruickshank examines the military life of Gen. Negley including the issues involved at Chickamauga. Published 2011. 29 pages.